Minister for Defence - JASSM achieves Final Operational Capability

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Senator the Hon David Johnston

Minister for Defence

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28 May 2014

Minister for Defence, Senator David Johnston, today announced Final Operational Capability (FOC) had been achieved for Project AIR 5418, the AGM-158A Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile (JASSM).

“The Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile is now fully in service and is an extremely capable, long range missile that meets the future requirements of Air Force,” Senator Johnston said.

“Successful JASSM integration forms a key piece of the strike capability and ensures that Air Force can meet future operational demands.”

Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown AO, said the JASSM was designed to attack high-value, heavily defended targets such as hardened bunkers, or pinpoint objectives such as radar and communications sites.

“This is a great achievement for Air Force and is a major milestone for our air combat capability,” Air Marshal Brown said.

“This long range, highly accurate missile can be released far from enemy targets, keeping RAAF aircrew out of harm’s way without compromising mission objectives.”

JASSM is a ‘military-off-the-shelf’ long range guided missile developed by the United States Air Force, with a 1000-pound penetrator/blast fragmentation conventional warhead, capable of precisely striking targets from over 300 kilometres away.

The Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for JASSM was declared in 2011, following successful test firings at the Woomera Test Range in South Australia.

Media note:

Video of the JASSM is available by searching ‘JASSM” on the Defence video library -

An explanation of IOC and FOC is available at

Media contact:

Mark Dodd (Senator Johnston’s Office) 0477 389 560

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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