Assistant Minister for Defence - The Hon Stuart Robert MP - Future Defence technologies on show at Land Forces event in Brisbane

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The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

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21 September 2014

A range of innovative technologies that have been developed by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) are being showcased in Brisbane this week at Land Forces 2014.

The event and the accompanying Future Land Force conference has attracted over 500 delegates from around the world to discuss how science and technology can transform the land force of the future.

“This conference is an opportunity for defence and industry professionals to discuss and showcase their innovative capabilities that address the dynamic environment in which future land forces will need to fight,” Mr Robert said.

Defence and subject matter experts from Australia, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore and Norway will speak on future challenges including power and energy, next generation land vehicles, autonomous systems, future protection for the land force and unleashing the human potential of warfighters.

The conference is supported by an industry trade show with over 450 exhibitors showcasing their technologies.

“The impressive line-up of international and Australian speakers brings together the latest thinking on the integration of land-focussed systems and technologies. The knowledge and shared experiences of those attending will be of an immense benefit to the ADF and particularly the Army,” Mr Robert said.

“We’re also inviting industry to look at exciting new DSTO technologies that have the potential for further development for defence and national security applications.”

Some of the DSTO technologies include: a grenade launcher for non-lethal projectiles; a handheld device for detecting toxic chemical vapours; a digital video guard peripheral for secure internet transactions using any computer; a flexible, light-weight outer skeleton suit to reduce soldier fatigue; a ration pack chocolate bar using raw green banana starch to provide fibre plus energy for soldiers; and a device that harvests energy from vibrations to power sensors and electronics.

The Land Forces 2014 event is being held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre this week and is organised by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation and the Australian Army.

Media contacts:

Richard Briedis (Minister Robert's Office)(02) 6277 7730 or 0477 391 174

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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