Assistant Minister for Defence - Army engagement strengthens Singapore–Australia defence relationship

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The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

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2 October 2014

Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert and Singapore’s Chief of Army, Major General Perry Lim, met today to discuss how future engagement can contribute to a stronger defence relationship.

Mr Robert said the close and longstanding defence relationship between the Singapore and Australian Armies has been forged through cooperation in many areas.

“Our discussions today focused on how we can use the important work that our armies are doing together to continue to strengthen our broader defence relationship,” he said.

“I had the opportunity to see first-hand the professionalism and skill of the Singapore Army last year when I visited Shoalwater Bay with Defence Minister Ng for Exercise WALLABY 2013.

“I look forward to seeing how our armies can proactively build on each other’s experiences,” Mr Robert said.

This meeting follows Mr Robert’s recent discussions on other areas of defence engagement with the Singapore Armed Forces, such as science and technology, with Singapore’s Permanent Secretary Defence Development Major General (NS) Ng Chee Khern and Chief Defence Scientist Professor Quek Tong Boon on 23 September.

While in Australia, Major General Lim will meet with his counterpart, Chief of Army Lieutenant General David Morrison and visit the Singapore Armed Forces during its major annual training activity in Australia at Exercise WALLABY 2014.

Media contacts:

Jo Hanrahan (Minister Robert’s office) (02) 6277 7730

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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