Assistant Minister for Defence - ADF Gap Year is back

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The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

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11 January 2015

Today marks the return of the ADF Gap Year program, with hundreds of eager young Australians getting their first experience of life in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert, today welcomed the first intake of young men and women into the 2015 ADF Gap Year program for the Army and Air Force.

“This is a proud and special moment for these new recruits and represents a significant shift in their lives from high school to now serving their country through the ADF Gap Year program,” Mr Robert said.

“Their 12 months of service will give them the chance to experience an exciting and rewarding role with the ADF that will hopefully encourage them to join after they complete the ADF Gap Year program.”

At recruiting centres around Australia 60 enlistees will be joining the Royal Australian Air Force to begin recruit training at RAAF Base Wagga Wagga, while 61 new soldiers will be off on the bus to begin learning their profession at Kapooka.

Over the next six weeks another 139 new recruits will join the Army as part of the Gap Year program, bringing the total to 260 Gap Year participants for 2015.

“Those chosen for the program learn practical and leadership skills, enjoy a healthy and varied lifestyle, and make friends for life – all while getting paid,” Mr Robert said.

“The life skills and job training acquired during the Gap Year experience will be valuable regardless of what career participants ultimately choose to undertake.”

ADF Gap Year opportunities for the highly popular 2015 intake were available in the Army and Air Force, with places being made available in the Navy in the future.

Successful applicants will earn more than $45,000, have subsidised accommodation and full medical and dental coverage.

Media note:

Imagery of each event will be available on the Defence Image Library


Media contact:

Richard Briedis (Minister Robert): 0477 391 174

Malcolm Grieve (Defence Force Recruiting): 0409 603 684

Defence Media Operations: (02) 6127 1999

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