Minister for Defence - Australia assists Afghanistan counter improvised explosive devices

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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Defence

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29 January 2015

Minister for Defence Kevin Andrews today announced that Australia has commenced delivering counter improvised explosive device equipment to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) as part of Australia’s contribution to the Afghan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund.

This project involves providing low cost, robust and lightweight force protection systems for the ANSF to counter improvised explosive devices, for use by dismounted personnel and for fitting to light vehicles.

This technology was developed by Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation under a program sponsored by Defence’s Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Task Force.

Mr Andrews said the Defence Materiel Organisation’s Australian Military Sales Office was working alongside Australian defence industry who will manufacture the equipment for our Afghan partners.

“Improvised explosive devices represent a significant and immediate threat to our Afghan partners and these systems will provide considerable protection for the ANSF as it works to ensure the security of Afghanistan and its people,” the Defence Minister said.

“I am delighted that Australia can, through the ANA Trust Fund, assist our Afghan partners in countering this threat,” he said.

Australia remains committed to supporting the development and sustainment of Afghan security forces. As part of this commitment Australia will provide US$100 million annually from 2015 to 2017 towards the sustainment of the ANSF.

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Cristy Elliott (Minister Andrews' Office) 0407 463 670

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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