Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence - Calling for applications for Defence medals

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Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Darren Chester MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

Media contact
  • Brie Colley (Mr Chester’s office) (02) 6277 4029
  • James Cannon (Tribunal) 0433 884 238
  • Defence Media (02) 6127 1999

Release content

12 February 2015

Veterans, Australian Defence Force personnel and their families should apply now for their unclaimed medals, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, Darren Chester, announced today.

“Defence is encouraging applications for defence medals to be submitted before the end of February to ensure veterans, ADF members and families can receive their medals in time for the Centenary of Anzac commemorations this year,” Mr Chester said.

“Wearing of medals, either your own or a relative’s, continues to be a special tradition on Anzac Day as Australians remember our history and honour the individual and collective service of so many Australians.

“The research required to confirm eligibility for medals can be quite extensive and Defence continues to work diligently to ensure Australians can wear their medals on Anzac Day. However, applications that require extensive research or additional documentation may take longer to process.”

Application forms can be found on the Defence Honours and Awards website at

Completed forms should be sent to the Defence at:

                                      Defence Honours and Awards

                                      CP2-1, Department of Defence

                                      PO Box 7952

                                      CANBERRA BC ACT 2610

Further information:

Defence Service Centre, 1800 333 362 or

Media contacts:

Chloe Petch (Darren Chester’s Office) (02) 6277 4029

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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