Parliamentary Secretary for Defence - International Defence Industry Fair, Istanbul Turkey - 8 May 2015

Release details

Release type

Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Darren Chester MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

Media contact
  • Brie Colley (Mr Chester’s office) (02) 6277 4029
  • James Cannon (Tribunal) 0433 884 238
  • Defence Media (02) 6127 1999

Release content

8 May 2015

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, Darren Chester has attended the International Defence Industry Fair held in Istanbul, Turkey this week.

Mr Chester led a delegation of eight Australian defence companies, which Mr Chester said had been brought together by the Department of Defence as Team Defence Australia.

“The International Defence Fair provides an excellent opportunity for Australian defence industry to showcase its capabilities and to promote our defence capability solutions to global customers,” Mr Chester said.

“Team Defence Australia provides tailored solutions for a wide range of Defence and security requirements. It engages with the leaders, operators and capability experts of the Australian Defence Force, to promote the technical expertise of Australian industry on the world-stage.” he said.

The Team Defence Australia delegation to the International Defence Industry Fair included Barrett Communications (WA), Calytrix Technologies (ACT), CGear Australia (Vic), Defence Communications Industry (Vic), Future Fibre Technologies (Vic), Ideation Product Solutions (Vic), Marand (Vic) and Project Performance International (Vic).

Media contacts:

Brie Colley (Darren Chester’s Office) 0475 962 448

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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