Ex Military Land Rovers offered to RSL

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Darren Chester MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Minister for Defence Personnel

Release content

21 September 2018

Two hundred ex-Army Land Rovers will be made available to Returned and Services Leagues (RSL) for use on ANZAC Day and at other ceremonies according to Minister for Defence Personnel and Veteran’s Affairs, Darren Chester at the Australian War Memorial today.

Mr Chester said Australia has a rich history of service of the Land Rover 4x4 fleet and was pleased to know this legacy would live on for decades to come.

“Soon RSLs around the country will have their own piece of history on display to share with their communities,” Mr Chester said.

“The Land Rovers have served thousands of soldiers in the Australian Defence Force, on home soil and in operational service in Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, Bougainville, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

“The Land Rover will be remembered fondly by soldiers as a tough and rugged vehicle and can now be used to transport veterans at remembrance and other services.”

The Land Rovers are being refurbished by 22 Broadspectrum mechanics and spray painters at the Defence site at Bandiana in North East Victoria.

At least 100 Land Rovers will be offered through an Expression of Interest and ballot process prior to ANZAC Day 2019, and the balance will be available prior to ANZAC Day 2020.

RSLs that would like to apply are encouraged to email AMSO@defence.gov.au.

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