Leidos to deliver export opportunities for Australian businesses

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The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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13 November 2018

New export opportunities will open up for Australian defence industry businesses, with Leidos joining the Global Supply Chain (GSC) Program as its newest prime contractor.

Managed by the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, the GSC Program contracts defence prime companies to identify opportunities for Australian small to medium enterprises (SMEs) within their supply chains.

As a major systems integrator and services company, Leidos has a presence in more than 25 countries, relying heavily on its contractors to supply components and solutions.

Opportunities for SMEs can be defence or commercial in nature and offer the chance for Australian defence companies to embed themselves in long-term supply chains with high commercial value.

The value of the GSC Program extends further than direct opportunities for Australian SMEs to participate. The flow-on effect to their own domestic supply chains more than doubles the value of any contract awarded in Australia, providing great value to the Australian economy.

The GSC Program has facilitated the award of over $1 billion worth of contracts to around 170 Australian defence companies and research institutions.

Companies seeking to explore supply chain opportunities with the GSC primes can contact the Centre for Defence Industry Capability at CDIC_Exports@industry.gov.au.

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