Joint Strike Fighter Heads of Agreement sovereign sustainment contracts

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Joint media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence

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The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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Release content

27 February 2019

Joint Media Release

  • Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Defence has signed a Heads of Agreement for Australian Sovereign Sustainment Contracts with Lockheed Martin Australia and Lockheed Martin Corporation to ensure the effective long-term sustainment of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter capability in Australia.

The agreement establishes the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software arrangements for Australia’s direct sovereign sustainment contracts with Lockheed Martin entities.

The Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today visited the Lockheed Martin Australia F-35A Joint Strike Fighter display at the Avalon Air Show and welcomed the signing of this long term agreement.

“The Heads of Agreement provides certainty and clarity to Australia by pre-agreeing the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software contract provisions with Lockheed Martin Australia and Lockheed Martin Corporation for any sovereign sustainment contracts,” Minister Pyne said.

“This creates an environment where Defence – should it decide to enter into new contracts with different companies for various services such as training – will be able to seek the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software it needs through the United States F-35 Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin.”

The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Steven Ciobo MP said having a settled framework was important, due to the complexities associated with Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software under the global F-35 Program.

“The Heads of Agreement will minimise the time and effort taken by the Australian Government and Lockheed Martin in establishing any Australian sovereign sustainment contracts with local industry,” Minister Ciobo said.

“Already, Australian local industry has secured more than AU$1.3 billion in contracts from F-35 design and production work – and many more Australian companies stand to benefit from future sustainment work.”

For more information about the Australian F-35A Project, visit

Defence has signed a Heads of Agreement for Australian Sovereign Sustainment Contracts with Lockheed Martin Australia and Lockheed Martin Corporation to ensure the effective long-term sustainment of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter capability in Australia.

The agreement establishes the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software arrangements for Australia’s direct sovereign sustainment contracts with Lockheed Martin entities.

The Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today visited the Lockheed Martin Australia F-35A Joint Strike Fighter display at the Avalon Air Show and welcomed the signing of this long term agreement.

“The Heads of Agreement provides certainty and clarity to Australia by pre-agreeing the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software contract provisions with Lockheed Martin Australia and Lockheed Martin Corporation for any sovereign sustainment contracts,” Minister Pyne said.

“This creates an environment where Defence – should it decide to enter into new contracts with different companies for various services such as training – will be able to seek the Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software it needs through the United States F-35 Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin.”

The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Steven Ciobo MP said having a settled framework was important, due to the complexities associated with Intellectual Property, Technical Data and software under the global F-35 Program.

“The Heads of Agreement will minimise the time and effort taken by the Australian Government and Lockheed Martin in establishing any Australian sovereign sustainment contracts with local industry,” Minister Ciobo said.

“Already, Australian local industry has secured more than AU$1.3 billion in contracts from F-35 design and production work – and many more Australian companies stand to benefit from future sustainment work.”

For more information about the Australian F-35A Project, visit

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