Army History Research Grant Scheme 2018-2019 Recipients Announced

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence

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5 March 2019

The Army History Research Grants Scheme is a competitive grants program that contributes funding to projects that address military strategy and operations, military social history and military heritage. 

Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today announced the successful applicants of the 2018-19 Army History Research Grants Scheme.  

The 10 successful applicants will collectively receive $48,746 in government funding to support research into the history of the Australian Army.

Minister Pyne said promoting the preservation, collection, interpretation and presentation of the Australian Army's history was an integral part of our nation's heritage. 

“The historical analysis conducted by the grant recipients will significantly contribute to Australia’s military history narrative,” Minister Pyne said. 

“The recipients will conduct a broad range of research and study across all states and territories.

“The projects supported this year range from a multi-volume set of biographies on every Army unit from the First World War through to a study of industry’s role in the production of uniforms.

“The grants demonstrate the Government’s continued support and recognition of the service and sacrifice of all Australian service personnel past and present.”

For more information about the Army History Research Grants Scheme, and a list of the 2018-19 Grant recipients, visit

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