Improved information sharing with Coalition partners

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Media release

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Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Minister for Defence Industry

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4 April 2019

The Australian Government is committed to improving the Australian Defence Force’s ability to share command and control information when conducting operations with our coalition partners.
Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said $52.8 million had been invested to deliver a deployable computer network to improve information sharing with coalition members on the ground.
“This investment by the Government will enhance the exchange of secret-level command and control data with our Five Eyes partners – the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada,” Minister Reynolds said.
“The sharing of information during operations is critical to ensure the safety of all coalition forces, and helps enable the success of operational tasks.”
The network was developed with the involvement of multiple small and medium Australian enterprises who continue to benefit from the Government’s investment.
“In addition to using the system to share information with Five Eyes partners, it has also enabled the ADF to support the Government of Papua New Guinea to host a safe, secure and successful APEC last year,” Minister Reynolds said.
“Access to accurate and timely information remains critical to the conduct of operations as threats to our armed forces continue to evolve.
“The ability to quickly share higher quality information with our coalition partners will directly contribute to the safety of people on the ground during ADF operations.”
The capability has been delivered through Defence’s Multi-National Information Sharing Sub-Program.


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