Helping Brisbane small business to grow and save lives

Release details

Release type

Joint media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

The Hon Trevor Evans MP

Member for Brisbane

Media contacts

Myles Morgan (Minister Price’s office) 0439 187 687
Defence Media: (02) 6127 1999,

Release content

19 June 2019

Joint Media Release
The Hon Trevor Evans MP
Member for Brisbane

A Brisbane company that specialises in developing technologies to protect military and emergency response personnel has won backing from the Australian Government.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP announced that firm EPE has secured a $300,000 Defence contract to help it grow its business.

The company specialises in technologies to protect personnel from emerging threats such as improvised explosive devices (IEDs), countering drones and the risk of chemical and biological attacks.

The Minister toured the company’s facility today with the Member for Brisbane, Trevor Evans MP.

“This contract is a demonstration of how the Australian Government’s $200 billion investment over ten years in Defence capabilities is helping small and medium sized businesses right across Australia,” Minister Price said.

“Our investment in Defence is much more than just spending on big companies. EPE is an Australian SME which is working to protect and save lives on the international stage.

“Small and medium sized firms are every bit a part of our defence industry as our major partners.

“This funding will help EPE to improve its radar technology used to identify and track IEDs.

“I congratulate EPE and thank them for their work in helping Defence to deliver innovative new solutions to important global issues.”

Trevor Evans MP said EPE was a fantastic example of how a local Australian business can be part of the enormous defence industries investment under this Government.

“It was terrific to return to EPE today to see how this Brisbane company is developing innovative defence solutions,” Mr Evans said.

“EPE is an outstanding example of Brisbane leading the way when it comes to new solutions in protective and defensive technologies, doing big things on the world stage.”

“This is just one of many local success stories we are seeing in small and medium sized businesses which are receiving support to grow thousands of local jobs in our economy.”

Minister Price said funding for the company was awarded through the Defence Innovation Hub’s Special Notice solicitation process as part of Army Innovation Day 2018.

“The Defence Innovation Hub is working with industry to invest around $640 million until 2025-26 in developing innovative technologies,” Minister Price said.

More information about the Defence Innovation Hub can be found at

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