Your life, plus Army Reserve

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Darren Chester MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Minister for Defence Personnel

Release content

9 May 2021

Defence has launched a new media campaign aimed at educating the Australian community about serving in the Army Reserve.

Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester said the Army Reserve was integral to the bushfire and coronavirus responses in Australia and the ‘Your life, plus Army Reserve’ campaign had been developed to help Australians understand how it works and how they can be involved.

“This campaign is designed to educate Australians about the part-time offer, time commitment and lifestyle fit the Army Reserve provides,” Mr Chester said.

“It is important that people are aware that there is no contract duration when joining the Army Reserve, meaning Australians can join and stay as long as they want, and if they leave, they can always come back when it suits their lifestyle.

“The commitment required for Reserves varies from a minimum of 20 days per year and up to 100 days, and the number of days people choose to work is flexible and depends on their training.”

The campaign focuses on real-life Reservists and will increase awareness of the unique benefits, diverse range of roles on offer and training opportunities available to everyday Australians.

‘Your life, plus Army Reserve’ works to communicate three key messages: flexibility, inclusivity and the range of opportunities available. It corrects misconceptions and offers new information about the Army Reserve being part-time, flexible and able to fit around one’s current lifestyle.

Mr Chester said Army Reserve service also benefited civilian employers, who benefit from their staff going through world-class training and enhancing transferrable skills.

“We understand that people join the Army Reserve for personal satisfaction, training and skills development, which all benefit their civilian employers. In addition, Defence offers a range of support to civilian employers of Reservists,” Mr Chester said.

“I encourage anyone who may be looking at contributing to their community outside of their work to consider a role with the Army Reserves.”

Research has found the ‘Your life, plus Army Reserve’ campaign effective in providing a taste of what it might be like to join Army Reserve and inspired people to consider how they might get involved.

Army Reserve priority areas for recruitment include qualified trades, Infantry Soldier, Driver and Armoured Vehicle Crew. For more information on the Army Reserve visit,


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