Army successfully trials Australian made radio equipment

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

Media contacts

Ben Spencer (Minister Price’s office): +61 412 754 310
Steve Kuper (Minister Price’s office): +61 421 668 874

Defence Media:

Release content

8 December 2021

A group of 31 Australian small-to-medium sized businesses has successfully trialled a prototype mobile tactical communications system for the Australian Army.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the $35 million C4 EDGE initiative had demonstrated Australian industry’s ability to design, develop and manufacture Army’s radio equipment in Australia.

“Critical defence capabilities, such as mobile tactical radio communication systems, will be designed and manufactured locally,” Minister Price said.

“This will greatly improve supply chain resilience.”

A demonstration was held at the Majura Range in the ACT this week, simulating battlefield conditions for new radios and associated equipment, followed by a static display at Russell Offices.

“Stimulating growth in Australia’s defence communications industry capacity is a priority for the Morrison Government,” Minister Price said.

C4 EDGE has enabled Army to work and innovate with Australian industry, helping to future proof against emerging threats and explore new technologies. 

The initiative is aligned with the Advanced Signal Processing and Information Warfare Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities and supports the growth of the sovereign tactical communications industry.

C4 EDGE met all contracted milestones, despite the significant constraints imposed by COVID-19.

Outcomes from C4 EDGE are expected to further Army’s understanding of the requirements for future communications projects.

C4 EDGE formed part of the economic stimulus investment initiatives that were agreed at the Expenditure Review Committee in 2020.


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