Bright ideas of Aussie businesses to protect our national security

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

Media contacts

Ben Spencer (Minister Price’s office): +61 412 754 310

Kasey Ellison (Minister Price’s office): +61 429 378 440

Defence Media:

Release content

31 March 2022

The Morrison Government has unveiled three defence capability focus areas critical to Australia’s national security that will guide the Government’s investment in the innovative ideas of Australian businesses.

From 1 July 2022, the Government’s Defence Innovation Hub will seek submissions for innovations that will strengthen specific defence capabilities in the areas of guided weapons and explosive ordnance, integrated air and missile defence, and undersea warfare.

The key focus areas will be a high priority for investment and have been singled out to give industry more detailed information about specific capabilities.

The focus areas will contribute to the stimulation of innovative ideas in those areas, which are of significant strategic importance to Defence.

Industry and research organisations will also be able to submit proposals across the domains outlined in the 2020 Force Structure Plan – Information and Cyber, Maritime, Air, Space, Land and enterprise wide enabling capabilities.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the rapid pace of technological change and shifting geopolitical dynamics meant Defence’s innovation programs needed to be agile and responsive.

“Our strategic environment has changed and the importance of a resilient and innovative Australian defence industry is more critical than ever,” Minister Price said.

“These changes will ensure we can continue to leverage the very best innovation Australia has to offer and deliver a capability edge for Defence.

“The Morrison Government remains committed to sustained investment in innovation and building a strong Australian defence industry.

“We are investing more than $800 million in the Defence Innovation Hub through to 2030 and it is central to Defence’s response to current challenges.”

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