Deputy Prime Minister meets with newly elected President of Nauru

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Richard Marles MP

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister for Defence

Media contact

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles MP - 02 6277 7800 -

Defence Media

Release content

3 October 2022

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, the Hon Richard Marles MP has visited Nauru, meeting with Nauru’s newly elected President the Hon Russ Kun.

The visit by the Deputy Prime Minister following the countries recent election has highlighted Australia and Nauru’s close and enduring partnership – underpinned by our commitment to address challenges and achieve shared goals.

Both leaders committed to continuing to work together to address the climate crisis, COVID-19 economic recovery, and regional security issues, and reaffirmed the importance of the Pacific family.

Mr Marles’ visit, the first by an Australian Minister since Nauru’s national elections, was warmly welcomed by the newly elected Government and the Nauruan community.

While in Nauru, the Deputy Prime Minister also met with Government of Nauru Cabinet Ministers and visited key Australian-led initiatives.

The Deputy Prime Minister visited Nauru on his return from the Trilateral Defence Minister’s meeting with Japan and the United States, held in Honolulu.

Quotes attributable to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Richard Marles MP:

“President Kun and I discussed emerging priorities, challenges, and our common goals for a stable, sovereign, and resilient Pacific.”

“I sincerely thank the Government and people of Nauru for their generous hospitality. It was an honour to meet newly elected President Kun and his ministerial team.”

“These engagements really drive home how all countries have a role to play in the international system to support prosperity and security.”

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