A step closer to exporting Boxer heavy weapon carrier vehicles to Germany

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Pat Conroy MP

Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery

Minister for International Development and the Pacific

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(02) 6277 7840

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23 March 2023

The Albanese Government has taken a significant step towards securing a major defence export deal, for Boxer heavy weapon carrier vehicles made in Queensland for the German Army.

The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Pat Conroy MP, and his German counterpart, the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defence, Mr Thomas Hitschler, have signed a Letter of Cooperation, to start formal negotiations.

Once finalised, more than 100 Boxer heavy weapon carrier vehicles would be produced for Germany by Rheinmetall, leveraging production capacity at its Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence in Brisbane.

This could be one of Australia’s largest ever defence export contracts, boosting our sovereign defence industry, securing local jobs and contributing to Australia’s economic growth.

Defence will now enter into formal negotiations with the German Ministry of Defence and Rheinmetall to establish appropriate legal and commercial arrangements.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy:

“We are excited about the prospect of Boxers for the German Army being built in Brisbane, using suppliers across Australia to assist in the production.

“This export opportunity would secure well paid secure jobs in Queensland and across the country, helping to build Australia’s defence industry and boost our economy.

“We are keen to export this world-leading capability to a trusted and respected security partner, and to further strengthen the defence relationship between our countries."

23 MARCH 2023


Media can access imagery of Australia’s Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle at this link and video footage can be found at this link.

Images of today’s signing ceremony will be available at this link.

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