Safeguarding Australians with boost to air and missile defence

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Joint media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Richard Marles MP

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister for Defence

Media contact

02 6277 7800

The Hon Pat Conroy MP

Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery

Minister for International Development and the Pacific

Media contact

(02) 6277 7840

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Release content

22 October 2024

The Albanese Government will bolster Australia’s air and missile defence under a $7 billion agreement with the United States to acquire state-of-the-art long-range missiles.

The acquisition of the Standard Missile 2 Block IIIC (SM-2 IIIC) and Standard Missile‑6 (SM-6) is a significant milestone in the Government’s rapid progress in boosting the long-range capability of Navy’s surface combatant fleet. 

The SM-2 IIIC and SM-6 are the most advanced air and missile defence weapons in the world and will be progressively deployed across Navy’s Hobart class destroyers and in the future, the Hunter class frigates. This follows the recent successful test firing of a SM-6 from HMAS Sydney.

The SM-2 IIIC and SM6 contain advanced technologies that will greatly enhance the lethality and effectiveness of our Navy ships in line with the National Defence Strategy and the Independent Analysis into Navy’s Surface Combatant Fleet. 

The SM-2 IIIC brings active seeker technology and significantly enhanced defensive capabilities against missile threats. 

The SM-6 missile will provide Australia with extended range air defence capability against air and missile threats, an offensive anti-ship capability and for the first time, a terminal ballistic missile defence capability.

The SM-2 IIIC and SM-6 complement existing capabilities such as ESSM Block 2 and Naval Strike Missile as part of a layered strike and missile defence capability for Navy’s surface combatant fleet.

The Albanese Government is enhancing deterrence by rapidly boosting the Navy’s long-range strike capabilities.

Quotes attributable to Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles:

“This is another example of the Albanese Government accelerating the acquisition of critical capabilities for the Australian Defence Force and enhancing the lethality of Navy’s surface combatant fleet.

“The Standard Missile‑6 and Standard Missile 2 Block IIIC will enable our Navy to strike maritime, land and air targets at long-range, and provide a terminal ballistic missile defence capability, boosting the capacity for the ADF to safeguard Australians and their interests.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery, Pat Conroy:

“Australia faces the most complex geo-strategic environment since the Second World War.

“Our investment in these world-leading, high-tech missiles is another example of the Albanese Government moving fast to keep Australians safe, deter any adversary, and defend Australia’s national interests in the missile age.”

“Australia was the first country, other than the United States, to fire the SM-6 missile, underscoring the strength of our alliance.” 


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