Call to Arms for Local Industry

Release details

Release type

Joint media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence

Media contact

Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Minister for Defence Industry

Release content

5 March 2019

Joint Media Release

  • Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Linda Reynolds

The Coalition Government continues to create new opportunities for Australian industry in the Attack class submarine program.

Expressions of Interest have been released for the supply and installation of 18 major items of equipment for the Submarine construction yard at Osborne Naval Shipyard in South Australia.

Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said the yard will be a purpose designed facility where our 12 regionally superior Attack class submarines will be built.

“Naval Group has released Expressions of Interest on the Commonwealth’s Industry Capability Network website for the supply of eighteen pieces of equipment to be installed within the yard,” Minister Pyne said.

“This includes pipe bending, milling, boring, shearing and guillotining machines, as well as automated storage systems which will be installed by Naval Group on completion of the procurement process.”

Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds, said Naval Group will also soon open an Expression of Interest for an engineering company to project manage the detailed design, procurement, installation and commissioning of the Platform Land Based Test Facility to be constructed within the yard.

“The Platform Land Based Test Facility is critical for testing the main propulsion systems, prior to the first submarine being built.”

“These Expressions of Interest mark another step in the development of Australia’s continuous naval shipbuilding capability which will create thousands of jobs over the coming years.”

The Expressions of Interest are available at

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