Defence supports PNG security effort for APEC 2018

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence

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12 October 2018

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is supporting Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) hosting of APEC 2018.

Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said the ADF was pleased to be able to assist the Government of PNG and continue the long-standing relationship with the PNG Defence Force.

“We are committed to supporting our regional partners and promoting a secure and prosperous region,” Minister Pyne said.

"The ADF's assistance to the PNG Defence Force includes high-end capabilities, integrated planning and training support.”

The ADF is providing specialised capabilities to partner with, and enhance, the local security arrangements already in place in Port Moresby, providing planning and coordination support, maritime security assistance, airspace security and additional niche capabilities.

“This support is at the request of PNG. Our ADF will be working closely with the PNG Defence Force and will have our assets integrated into the PNG Joint Security Task Force.” Minister Pyne said.

The ADF has a number of personnel providing planning assistance to the PNG Defence Force with additional forces arriving in the lead up to Leaders Week.

ADF support during Leader’s Week will include:

  • Around 1,500 ADF personnel
  • A joint headquarters will partner with the PNG Defence Force to coordinate security arrangements in consultation with the Joint Security Task Force  
  • Airspace security provided by the Royal Australian Air Force
  • Maritime security support provided by the Royal Australian Navy
  • Additional niche capabilities to enhance the PNG Defence Force’s Incident Response Group.

ADF support to the Government of PNG is just one component of the Australian Government’s overall commitment to PNG for APEC 2018.

“The ADF’s contribution to our whole of government package of security support for APEC 2018 is an extension of our deep historical, political, defence and economic ties with Papua New Guinea,” Minister Pyne said.

The ADF supports the PNG Joint Security Task Force call for the public to be supportive and work with security forces to ensure Port Moresby is safe and secure for APEC 2018.

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