Next generation in mission aircrew training

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Media release

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence

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27 September 2018

The Department of Defence has entered into a contract with Hawker Pacific as prime contractor for the delivery of a substantially upgraded version of the Air Combat Officer Training System.

Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP said the new system will be another significant advancement in our mission aircrew training.

“The next generation system comprises both ground training consoles and airborne mission aircrew training equipment and will enable the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to train mission aircrew through to December 2024,” Minister Pyne said.

Hawker Pacific has in turn contracted with Australian SME, Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems, who originally developed a prototype Air Combat Officer Training System, based on Cirrus simulation technology and which has since been extensively upgraded through close collaboration between Cirrus and the RAAF’s instructors at No1 Flying Training School.

“The original system came into operational service with the RAAF in 2011 and has been used both within the B300 King Air training aircraft of No 32 Squadron and within ground based training facilities at No 1 Flying Training School,” Minister Pyne said.

Hawker Pacific Pty Ltd provides integrated aviation solutions in the Asia Pacific region with more than 40 years’ experience serving corporate, government and private customers. The company maintains facilities in South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.

Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems is an Australian company active since its establishment in 1996 in the development, supply and support of high technology defence systems for the ADF, covering sensor, simulation and communications systems.

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