Contract awarded for Cocos (Keeling) Islands runway upgrade

Release details

Release type

Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

Media contacts

Kathy Quinn (Minister Price’s office): +61 468 369 301

Charlotte Butler (Minister Price’s office): +61 406 338 521

Release content

31 January 2020

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands will soon benefit from an upgrade and refurbishment of the airport’s runway, which is the main access and delivery point for supplies and visitors to the islands.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, announced Fulton Hogan would shortly commence design and development of the $184 million project. 

“The project will provide benefits to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands economy by prioritising local suppliers and creating employment opportunities throughout the works,” Minister Price said. 

“The project will strengthen and widen the existing runway and hardstands, and provide a new Aeronautical Ground Lighting to support the P-8A Poseidon Maritime Surveillance and Response aircraft, and other aircraft operations.

“P-8A Poseidon capability will enhance Australia’s maritime domain awareness of the Indian Ocean region and Southern Asia, and enhance operational access to the region.”

Under the Morrison Government’s Defence Policy for Industry Participation, the project will maximise opportunities for Australian industry to supply goods and services for the Commonwealth works.

Subject to Government and Parliamentary approval, construction is expected to commence in mid-2021 and be completed by mid-2023.

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