Investing in new technologies to protect our men and women in uniform

Release details

Release type

Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

Media contacts

Marnie Hobson (Minister Price’s office): +61 411 885 994

Charlotte Butler (Minister Price’s office): +61 406 338 521

Release content

13 March 2020

Veteran-owned Melbourne company SORD Australia has been awarded a $338,000 contract to develop a Concussion Reduction Helmet that aims to better protect members of the Australian Defence Force.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP announced the Defence Innovation Hub contract with SORD Australia today.

“The Morrison Government continues to invest in innovation to ensure a smarter and stronger Australian Defence Force by supporting Australian small and medium enterprises to develop technology useful to the warfighter,” Minister Price said.

SORD’s Concussion Reduction Helmet concept seeks to lessen the risk of traumatic brain injuries, which can be caused by concussion, blunt trauma, ballistic and blast events.

“This technology has the potential to enhance individual safety and reduce the long term effects of concussive injuries on men and women in the Australian Defence Force,” Minister Price said.

“SORD Australia is a fantastic example of how a small veteran-owned business can make a significant impact to our $200 billion defence industry.”

The Government is investing approximately $640 million in Australian industry through the Defence Innovation Hub to develop innovative technology with Defence applications.

Industry and research organisations can submit innovation proposals through the Defence Innovation Portal at:

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