Morrison Government supporting Australia' Sovereign Defence Industrial Capabilities

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

Media contacts

Ben Spencer (Minister Price’s office): +61 412 754 310

Steve Kuper (Minister Price’s office): +61 421 668 874

Defence Media:

Release content

26 August 2021

The Morrison Government has strengthened its pledge to ensure Australia’s industry is able to support the critical warfighting capabilities of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said four new Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities (Priorities) announced today would help to build a robust, resilient and internationally competitive defence industry in Australia.

The new Priorities are:

  • Robotics, Autonomous Systems, and Artificial Intelligence;
  • Precision Guided Munitions, Hypersonic weapons, and Integrated Air and Missile Defence Systems;
  • Space; and
  • Information Warfare and Cyber Capabilities.

Minister Price said the additional Priorities reflected the changing strategic environment outlined in the 2020 Defence Strategic Update and Force Structure Plan.

“The capabilities covered by these new Priorities are essential to maintaining the Australian Defence Force’s combat edge,” Minister Price said.

“The new additions are also focused on providing secure, long-term employment to Australians in 21st century industries and technologies.

“These Priorities build on our existing work of providing guidance and support to industry to develop the critical industrial capabilities which are essential for the ADF.

“A strong partnership with industry is fundamental to developing Defence capabilities.

“The Priorities announced today provide the necessary guidance to shape our sovereign industrial base.

“They will increase our self-reliance and contribute to the Australian economy as we continue our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Defence will engage with industry partners to further refine these Priorities and develop Industry Plans.

Any businesses working in these areas are encouraged to contact to register their interest in contributing to the development of these Plans.

Further information on the Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities is available at:

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