Air Warfare Destroyer Hobart successfully completes sea acceptance trials

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Media release

Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Media contacts

Rory Grant: 0439 764 809,

Eleisa Hancock: 0427 981 990,

Defence Media: (02) 6127 1999

Release content

6 March 2017

Today marked a significant milestone for Air Warfare Destroyer Hobart as the ship returned to port after the successful completion of sea acceptance trials.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, congratulated the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance partners for their combined efforts. 

“The success of Hobart’s sea acceptance trials can be attributed to the joint efforts of the Commonwealth, ASC Shipbuilding, Raytheon Australia, Navantia, and 200 plus crew on board,” Minister Pyne said.  

“During the 21 days at sea, Hobart’s combat system and platform systems were put to the test, proving they can perform the expected functions they were designed for in the maritime environment.

“Assisting in the testing of Hobart’s sensors and communications systems, the Royal Australian Air Force Hornet and P-8A Poseidon aircraft conducted low level, fast flying operations over the Gulf of St Vincent.

Hobart’s sea acceptance trials were also supported by Royal Australian Navy ships and helicopters in various simulated scenarios, demonstrating the capability of the ship and its ability to collaborate with other military assets.

“This achievement is testament to the Commonwealth’s commitment to delivering ships to the standard of which Navy requires,” he said.

Imagery from the Sea Acceptance Trials can be found here:

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