Australia's brightest young STEM students to launch Subs in Schools in London

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

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8 September 2017

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today congratulated Prince Alfred College’s ‘Team Triton’ for being chosen to represent Australia at the SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge in London to be launched next month.

As participants in Australia’s SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge, Team Triton, designed, manufactured and navigated a remotely-operated under water vehicle (ROV) in the ROV class of the challenge.

Minister Pyne said Team Triton, along with AEGIR Group, the 2016 National Champions of the Submarine Class from Sydney’s Carlingford High School, are preparing for the trip of a lifetime.

“The need for robust STEM skills cannot be underestimated in Australia’s future economy,” Minister Pyne said. 

“Participating in programs like the SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge inspires and provides students with real world examples of the exciting employment opportunities ahead of them, particularly in defence industry.”

The program facilitates student collaboration with industry partners, equipping students with employability skills and knowledge to pursue further education and training in STEM.

“I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the achievements of Team Triton and AEGIR Group,” Minister Pyne said

“Not only for their successes in the 2016 SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge, but also for being shining examples of the creative, innovative and technologically skilled students Australia needs in the future to drive the modernisation of the Australian Defence Force’s capability.”

Team Triton, AEGIR Group and the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation will tour London from 6–9 October 2017, with the launch of SUBS in Schools to take place at the Institute of Engineering and Technology on 2 October 2017.

The Australian SUBS in Schools Technology Challenge is proudly supported by the Department of Defence. 

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