Battlespace Communications System achieves milestone

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Media release

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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19 December 2017

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, and Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today congratulated Defence and Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) for delivery of the Australian Defence Force’s next generation of battlespace communications ahead of schedule.

The $650 million project, LAND 2072 Phase 2B, will deliver cutting-edge voice, data and video services, allowing for secure communication between deployed Australian land forces and headquarters.

Senator Payne said achieving Initial Materiel Release (IMR) ahead of schedule represented the level of dedication by Defence and BDA in securing next generation communication technology for ADF personnel.

“The delivery of this cutting edge technology which will transform the way our military communicates in the field is great news for Defence,’’ Minister Payne said.

“Modern and secure communications networks are critical to the ADF’s warfighting capability and with this new range of technology the ADF will enjoy the latest in protected wired and wireless communication services.”

Minister Pyne said achieving IMR ahead of schedule is great news.

“I congratulate Boeing Defence Australia and Defence staff for their exceptional work,” Minister Pyne said.

“This project is continuing to modernise Land Network communication through the provision of a modern and Integrated Battlespace Telecommunications Network (I-BTN).”

“BDA has more than 2,000 employees located at 26 sites around Australia, with three international sites. It supports some of the largest and most complex defence projects in Australia, I am pleased to see this capability reach IMR ahead of schedule.”

The project has resulted in more than 200 Australian jobs since the project was established in 2015.

The I-BTN capability has been delivered to 7th Combat Signal Regiment and 1 Signal Regiment, both based at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane and 1 Combat Communications Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley, near Ipswich.

“Defence looks forward to declaring this capability operational in 2018, during which time the new communication package will be further rolled out to the Army and the Royal Australian Air Force,” Minister Payne said.

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