Nationwide defence market seminars held by Centre for Defence Industry

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Media release

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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15 February 2018

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today announced a nationwide ‘Introduction to the Defence Market’ seminar series. The seminar series will be delivered by the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) in partnership with defence industry stakeholders.

The seminar series supports the information campaign: ‘The Workforce behind the Defence Force’, and is intended for businesses, which are seeking to learn about opportunities in the defence market.

Minister Pyne said Australia’s defence industry, particularly small to medium enterprises, plays a critical role in supporting and sustaining the capabilities of the Australian Defence Force.

“These seminars are a great opportunity for businesses who haven’t previously considered working in the defence market to learn what is involved and seize the tremendous opportunities provided by the Government’s $200 billion investment in defence capability,” Minister Pyne said.

“Businesses will also learn more about support provided through the Defence Export Strategy, as well as navigating our robust defence export control processes.”

“The CDIC is helping businesses to navigate the complex defence market, which in turn is creating innovation, investment and new jobs.”

The CDIC has been in operation since December 2016 and is building the capability and capacity of Australian industry to support the delivery and sustainment of defence capability. It also provides advice and initiatives for defence industry development, critical business skilling, and export and innovation facilitation.

Seminars will be held in state capitals and regional areas from March to May 2018. Businesses interested in attending the ‘Introduction to the Defence Market’ seminars can register at:

Dates and locations:

Brisbane, Queensland - 6 March 2018

Sunshine Coast, Queensland - 8 March 2018

Townsville, Queensland - 13 March 2018

Rockhampton, Queensland - 14 March 2018

Cairns, Queensland - 15 March 2018

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory - 26 March 2018

Albury/Wodonga, New South Wales/Victoria - 28 March 2018

Sydney, New South Wales - 10 April 2018

Wollongong, New South Wales - 12 April 2018

Newcastle, New South Wales - 12 April 2018

Melbourne, Victoria - 17 April 2018

Geelong, Victoria - 19 April 2018

Launceston, Tasmania - 19 April 2018

Perth, Western Australia - 1 May 2018

Darwin, Northern Territory - 8 May 2018

Katherine, Northern Territory (on demand) - 9 May 2018

Adelaide, South Australia - 15 May 2018

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