Australian company world-leader in global supply chain

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Media release

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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14 June 2017

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, congratulated Lovitt Technologies Australia (Lovitt) on its performance in being selected in Lockheed Martin Aeronautics’ top two per cent of suppliers for 2016 globally.

Minister Pyne said Lovitt with its 80 strong staff is an exemplar of Australian industry’s ability to be internationally competitive and recognised for its reliability in supplying high-quality components in the F-35 Program global supply chain.

“Lovitt is a strong performer amongst the depth of Australian companies leading the way for the F-35 Global Support Solution,” Minister Pyne said.

“Australian Government and industry are working together to promote the capability of Australian companies, having already secured over $800 million in contracts to date.

“The benefits the F-35 Program provides to the Australian economy employment opportunities and building global partnerships are to be celebrated. According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report released by the Prime Minister in February, by 2023 the Joint Strike Fighter programme will have created more than 5000 jobs across Australia” Minister Pyne said.

Lovitt provides complex manufactured parts, like engine mounts and brackets into the Joint Strike Fighter programme. To date Lovitt have won almost $160 million in contracts and long-term agreements with Lockheed Martin on the F-35 Program.

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