Statement - Retirement of Dennis Richardson AO

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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19 April 2017

Mr Dennis Richardson AO has dedicated his life to promoting Australia’s interests both at home and abroad. He has been a trusted adviser to Australian Governments for almost five decades.

Dennis’ professionalism and integrity are the very embodiment of the spirit that has driven the Australian public service for over a century.

Dennis’ frankness and fearlessness in counsel is legendary, I can personally attest to that. His contribution to the country as Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ambassador to the United States, the Director-General of Security and finally in his role as Secretary of the Department of Defence, will leave a lasting legacy.

Dennis’ role in implementing the First Principles Review will mean he will leave a Department of Defence that is ready to face the new challenges presented to it in the coming decades. He has also guided through the Defence White Paper that will transform our Defence Forces, and build an Australian Defence Industry capability, a great new national endeavour for our country. 

I wish Dennis all the best in his retirement.

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