Opening Remarks, Delivery of first Australian HIMARS, Avalon Air Show, Geelong

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The Hon Richard Marles MP

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister for Defence

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02 6277 7800

The Hon Pat Conroy MP

Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery

Minister for International Development and the Pacific

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(02) 6277 7840

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24 March 2025


RICHARD MARLES, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER: Well, it's fantastic to be here for a very exciting moment. I'm here with our Minister for Defence Industry, my good friend, Pat Conroy, the Chargé d’Affairs of the United States in Australia, Erika Olson and Paula Hartley, the Vice President of Lockheed Martin. And Lockheed is the prime for the production of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and we've got two of them standing behind me right now. And today, we're taking possession of the first two HIMARS units, two of 42 which we announced that we would be purchasing less than two years ago. And in less than two years, we now have the first two units of this capability in Australia. And the significance of the HIMARS is it really takes the Australian Army into the long-range missile age. This is going to mean that we are able to shoot missiles, not over a range of 10s of kilometres, but in fact, over a range of 100s of kilometres. The two units that you've got behind us now set up for GMLRS, which is the Guided Multiple Rocket Launch Systems, but they can also shoot the Precision Strike Missiles, which in turn have a range of north of 500 kilometres. And so this greatly increases the ability of the Australian Army to project, and impactful projection has been at the center of the strategic objective in terms of what we have been trying to do with the defence force that we are seeking to build. It is a really exciting moment that we have got to this point in terms of having the delivery of the first two HIMARS, we will see further HIMARS come into operation over the coming years. These will be based at the newly formed long-range fires brigade, the 10th Brigade, and that is based at RAAF Base Edinburgh in Adelaide. But as the name suggests, these systems are highly mobile, and so they are very easily able to be deployed right around the country in the service of our nation.

PAT CONROY, MINISTER FOR DEFENCE INDUSTRY: Thanks, Deputy Prime Minister, and it's a real pleasure to be here with the DPM and representatives of the US Government, and Lockheed Martin. This is a massive leap forward for the striking ability of the Australian Army as part of the Australian Defence Force. As the DPM said, this is a generational change in capability, moving from an army that can strike targets at 40 kilometres to a more than 10 fold increase to initially more than 500 kilometres and then up to over 1000 kilometre strike range using some of the most advanced missiles in the world. This is all about deterring potential aggressors in our region and letting them know that the Australian Defence Force has the ability to inflict pain upon them. This is an incredible step forward, a more than 10 fold increase in range. Importantly, under the Albanese Labor Government, we've brought forward this vital capability. We are delivering this capability more than four years in advance of previous planned. We've brought it forward by four years such as the strategic circumstances we face, and we've more than doubled the number of units being acquired, so brought forward by four years and more than doubling the number of units being acquired demonstrates our commitment to equipping the Australian Defence Force with the equipment they need to keep Australians safe. Importantly, some of the missiles that are will be equipping the HIMARS systems will be manufactured in Australia. We will begin manufacturing of the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System, the GMLRS missiles this year in Australia, and we will be building a factory to do that. This is all about increasing our supply chain resilience, increasing our sovereignty, increasing our ability to inflict damage on any potential adversary. Thank you very much.

ERIKA OLSON, CHARGÉ D’AFFAIRS - UNITED STATES: Thank you so much. It's wonderful to be here today to welcome with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Conroy and Lockheed Martin, the very first delivery of the first two HIMARS here in Australia. This is really a groundbreaking event, and one that we've done together as close allies and partners. The HIMARS capability, and that it's here in Australia now, makes Australian Defence stronger and it makes all of us safer. Australia is our most important ally, and that's demonstrated today with the HIMARS that we have here. This is a system that is in great demand, and it's important that we have it here with our close partner and friend, and as we go forward into Avalon, our companies here; Lockheed Martin and the more than 100 that are represented at the Air Show this week are dedicated to continue working to develop Australia's long-range capabilities as we move forward together in this Alliance. Thank you so much. It's great to be here.

PAULA HARTLEY, VICE PRESIDENT - LOCKHEED MARTIN: Good morning and thank you both for having here me today. It's really a pleasure to represent Lockheed Martin. Can’t tell you how proud and humbled I am to help with delivering these first two HIMARS on the Australian soil, I'm quite excited to mark the expansion of our partnership with Australia that will certainly strengthen Australian security. At Lockheed Martin, we understand the importance of delivering combat proven systems to our partners and allies so that they can defend their borders and have deterrent capability. We're proud to be your partner, and we look forward to our growing relationship in support of strategic defence. I have no doubt that our HIMARS systems will provide Australia the critical leap forward with proven long-range precision capabilities. HIMARS has an unmatched track record, with more than 700 fielded around the world, with over 2 million operating hours. The system is technically advanced, very sustainable, and will give your Army the capability they need to go forward. As we have seen in Ukraine, the mere presence of HIMARS provides a strong deterrence and tactical advantage against aggression. We are continuing to modernise and enhance our launcher capability with next generation munitions, like the extended range guided MLRS you see behind us and the Precision Strike Missile, also known as PRSM, which Australia is a key partner in the development of. And Lockheed Martin is proposing an in-country HIMARS sustainment centre to provide ongoing support, maintenance and sustainment of HIMARS, in addition to, as you heard, the production of in country guided MRLS that will offer Australia self-reliance and supply chain resilience. We know the global security requires technology that enables us to work together. Over 20 nations around the world will be using the same systems as you have here in Australia. That gives you commonality, interoperability and integration between coalition partners. On behalf of Lockheed Martin, thank you for having us here today. So proud that we can bring this capability to you, and we look forward to working to you in the future. Thank you.


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