Minister for Defence Materiel and Science - Call for more Defence White Ribbon champions

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Media release

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The Hon Mal Brough MP

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science

Special Minister of State in the Australian Government

Release content

1 December 2015

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, the Hon Mal Brough MP, has encouraged more Defence personnel to become champions and advocates of the White Ribbon campaign to end violence against women.

“Defence has a strong and public commitment to the values of White Ribbon Day,” Minister Brough said.

“All Australian women – including those in uniform and those working for the Department of Defence, deserve to live without fear of violence.

“I encourage all Defence personnel to become active role models in society, with the hope of making the issue of domestic violence one that no longer exists.”

The Minister made the appeal at a Defence White Ribbon event at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra today with 2015 Australian of the Year and anti-domestic violence campaigner, Rosie Batty, and V8 Supercar champion, Craig Lowndes.

Minister Brough addressed more than 500 Defence people at ADFA, which received White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation on 25 November this year.

Defence does not tolerate violence against women within its workforce and is committed to creating a workplace culture free from bullying, discrimination, bias and inappropriate behaviour.

Mr Brough said Defence, with a predominantly male workforce, is in a prime position to support the White Ribbon campaign.

“Defence currently has more than 90 White Ribbon Ambassadors who incorporate White Ribbon values into their daily lives,” Minister Brough said.

“There are also multiple areas within Defence that are accredited as White Ribbon workplaces, including Navy, Army, ADFA and RAAF Air Mobility Group.

“Today I also took the White Ribbon oath and I am seeking to lead by example and become a White Ribbon Ambassador”.

For further information or to apply to become a White Ribbon Ambassador please visit:  

Media contacts:

Minister Brough’s office: 0477 395 356

Defence Media: (02) 6127 1999

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