Minister for Defence Materiel and Science - Australian Industry and Defence Network – Victoria special awards evening

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Media release

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The Hon Mal Brough MP

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science

Special Minister of State in the Australian Government

Release content

8 December 2015

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, the Hon Mal Brough MP, last night met with local industry representatives at the Australian Industry and Defence Network – Victoria’s (AIDN-Victoria) annual awards event.

Minister Brough welcomed the opportunity to meet with Victorian Defence industry groups and discuss the efforts of the sector in equipping and supporting the women and men of the Australian Defence Force.

“The Turnbull Government strongly supports maximising the opportunities for Australian industries to participate in defence acquisition and sustainment,” Minister Brough said.

“Delivering Australia’s future defence capability will require a strong partnership between government, industry, academia and our international allies.

“These partnerships will be critical to translating ideas and transitioning technology into new or enhanced defence capabilities.

“Victoria’s defence industry is diverse and reflects the broad manufacturing base that exists in this state – industry here represents almost every domain of Defence capability.

“It is exciting to see Australian companies seizing the opportunity to demonstrate the capability, innovation, and value that Australia can provide.”

AIDN is the peak industry body representing small to medium enterprises within Australia’s defence industry.

Awards were presented to local companies with long-standing as members of AIDN – Victoria (five, 10 and 15 years), and to those with outstanding achievements in 2015.

AIDN – Victoria also used the event to announce its nominee for the AIDN – National Young Achiever Award, with the national winner to be announced in February 2016.

Media contacts:

Minister Brough’s office: 0477 395 356

Defence Media (02) 6127 1999


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