Minister for Defence Materiel and Science - Victorian company soaring in global Joint Strike Fighter program

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The Hon Mal Brough MP

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science

Special Minister of State in the Australian Government

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8 December 2015

Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, the Hon Mal Brough MP, today congratulated Victorian company, Marand Precision Engineering, on a stand out performance on one of Australia’s biggest Defence projects.

“Marand has been an industry leader and outstanding performer in the global F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program to date, with contracts for the vertical tail, engine trailer and production tooling,” Minister Brough said.

Marand is the preferred supplier of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter engine trailers globally. This innovation brings together 12,000 complex parts to provide a stable platform for the safe alignment, installation, removal and maintenance of the multi-million dollar F-35 engines.

Minister Brough said Marand is the only company in the world that produces this essential solution for the global Joint Strike Fighter program.

“In addition, Marand is a second source supplier of the F-35 vertical tails currently represents Australia’s largest export opportunity in the production phase of the global Joint Strike Fighter program,” Minister Brough said.

“The benefits of Marand’s success extend to smaller Australian suppliers that Marand use to deliver products to their international customers – effectively extending the supply chain locally in Australia.

“The Joint Strike Fighter program has opened international doors for industry participation in production and will continue to do so in the global sustainment market as the Joint Strike Fighter world-wide fleet matures.

“The Joint Strike Fighter is the most advanced fighter aircraft in development or production anywhere in the world and securing this work in Australia is a great outcome for these companies.

“Australian industry has achieved over half a billion Australian dollars in Joint Strike Fighter design and production opportunities to date.

“It is exciting to see Australian companies seizing the opportunity to demonstrate the capability, innovation, and value that Australia can provide.”

Executive Chairman Marand Precision Engineering, Mr David Ellul said that participation in the Joint Strike Fighter program has had a very positive effect on Marand’s local employment, training and skills development.

“Around 60 percent of Marand’s business is focused on the Joint Strike Fighter program right now exposing the workforce to high-end innovation and technology that will be of long term benefit to our business,” Mr Ellul said.

“We have appreciated the support of the Australian Government programs including Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry Program and other industry support programs that are allowing Marand to make the most of the opportunities available in this global program.

“Marand have delivered 45 trailers to date and this week delivered the second of 19 trailers for its Low-Rate Initial Production-7 contract.

“So far the company has manufactured and shipped seven Ship Sets of F-35 vertical tails for the program. The first set of Marand tails literally took flight in July this year.”


Media contacts:

Minister Brough’s office: 0477 395 356

Defence Media (02) 6127 1999


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